
Welcome to Format Swap!

Below you will find links to the multiple converters and tools we have available. We have conversion utilities for nearly all document, image, audio, and video formats. Don't miss our Tech Tutorials Blog featuring articles on Programming, Machine Learning, OS Installs, Linux, Windows, and more.





Text Utilities

Text Hashing

Math Utilities

Financial Utilities

Supported Formats

Our site offers a plethora of tools for all types of files and media. Using our utilities you can convert things such as documents, pictures, text, code, etc., to a different format that is the most convenient for your use.


One of Format Swap's main priorities is to offer our users utilities that truly value their privacy. None of your content or data is ever stored or maintained on the site in any way, shape, form, size or other adjective.


When you convert a file on Format Swap you are guaranteed a high quality conversion. Our algorithms use lossless compression to ensure every file is to the highest standards. We offer fast conversion speeds while still maintaining an easy to use platform.

Device Support

Our pages are specially crafted to provide a uniform, clean, and overall great user experience for everyone. Our developers specialize in creating applications for all platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android. Our pages are created for you!

Rapid Conversions

Our file converters offer quick and efficient conversions. We use efficient algorithms to ensure your conversion is processed as soon as possible. Additionally, the converters are optimized for each specific file type - this means each file will be processed and converted within seconds.

CS Education

One of our main missions at Format Swap is educating people on computer science topics. We believe everyone should have the chance to learn a new skill - that's why we publish free tutorial articles that break down complex topics into easy to understand processes.